Friday, June 28, 2013

finally over the hump? masterful death metal: Panzerchrist (Denmark): "The 7th Offensive"

finally over the hump?
masterful death metal: Panzerchrist (Denmark): "The 7th Offensive"
They have reached that point where just blasting away, no matter how entertaining, will never automatically equal a great song. One can blast all one wants, but if the guitar work does not have it, then it doesn't have it, and if the song doesn't have it, then blasting doesn't really matter.
The songs first have to be outstanding and give the listener something to remember once the music stops. Otherwise it is an entertaining blur.
Panzerchrist is an old band, mind you. Their debut is from 1996, and this is their 7th album, so the expectations and the standards are pretty high.
What they have done is: they managed to utilize the brutality and blasting for the song. Blasting is not a song, and this band understands that very, very well. It is not necessary to listen multiple times to understand that the riffs are distinctive (lots of tremolo picking), and abundant guitar soloing that sounds fast and a bit melodic, shredding. Add to that, the basic structure of the song, and the result is an album that is comprehensible the first time around, and the listener can hear the guitar work pretty clearly. See if you agree, check out the song "Attack of the Lycanthrope Legion" and see if you think it is "generic" or "ok." I think this is way beyond "pretty good." Panzerchrist deserves to be heard!
Despite the usual metal "macho-man" stupid gimmickry or the "evil" posturing (just look at the pictures) and the glorification of violence, Panzerchrist has made a memorable and melodic album, yet still very much blazing fast, modern and brutal, and all that stuff.
I wish the drums did not sound so plastic and clicky, but I guess that's just my opinion, and the band likes the "modern robotized" drum sound that brutal death metals are using.
Besides, those two points of whining, the band has made a very entertaining death metal album, very professional. If you like death metal bands that emphasize songwriting, then Panzechrist should be pleasing.
Mark down Panzerchrist as a band on your list of quality death metal bands that you need to check out. They are not rock stars, but fame is a different issue. I'm talking about the music, the songs.

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