Necrocurse (Sweden)
The album “Grip of the Dead,” by Necrocurse, a traditionalist death/thrash/black squad, forges the sound of a life-long obsession with “underground metal,” the type that certain listeners embrace, knowing that Necrocurse represents a loyalty to the tradition. Some people might say, in insult, that Necrocurse is “primitive,” “ugly,” and of course “necro.” To the band, however, those are badges of honor. Necrocurse’s aesthetics shares an affinity with Nifelheim, yes, that Nifelheim. Here’s the huge surprise for you: Nifelheim’s screamer Hellbutcher is the maniac doing vocals in Necrocurse!
Drummer Nicklas Rudolfsson answers these questions.
Why have you not sold 10 million albums yet?! It’s so good! Is Necrocurse a band that will tour or do you prefer to record music and play a few shows a year?
Thanks as hell! Obviously we play live, but so far it's single gigs and festivals. But right now we have no festival appearances booked this summer. Right now we are working on writing new material and recording demos.
When did Necrocurse actually start?
The first songs were written in 2004 and was recorded as simple demos. Then it was just a side project that was not meant to be directly officially. It was in 2009 that it became a real band with the lineup and name NECROCURSE became official. In 2010, we recorded material which later was released as vinyl singles.
Metal Archives says that your first EP came out in 2011, "Chaos Carnage Cataclysm." But you have been very active because there was another EP in 2011, "Insane Curse of Morbidity" and in 2012 the EP "Speed to the Grave," and now "Grip of the Dead" in 2013. Are these old songs?
In 2010, we recorded five old songs. As the new revised versions. These were later released as two singles, two tapes and a collection MCD "Shape of Death". And some of them plus some live tracks were also released as "Speed to the Grave" MCD.
What type of recording equipment is appropriate for your band? Do you use triggered drums? Are the drums, the actual sounds of the drums, or are those sounds "sound replacement" technology?
Obviously, real drums, no triggers or replaced sound. The recording is done with Andy's drum kit standing in Sonic Train Studios and a few extra toms (+ own snare, cymbals) that I brought.
What do you think about the current state of drumming sound in "modern death metal"?
I do not like the "modern" plastic drum sound, sometimes it almost sounds like drum machines. So yes, I prefer real drums! Only analog drum sounds are real!
In Necrocurse, there are three members of Masticator: Johan (bass), Nicklas (drums) and Stefan (guitars). Now, that band was formed in 1989, and maybe you guys attended Nihilist shows? So, one of the main reasons why Necrocurse is so good is that, in reality, everyone in the band is a knowledgeable and experienced veteran of metal music.
I do not think any of us have seen Nihilist. Our history affects certainly the music that we play. I mean we grew up with the same bands and music that more or less inspired us.
Have you known Hellbutcher since the 90s?
We have known him for many years, since the 90s, yes. In the beginning we had no singer, so when we thought about who we would ask so it seemed natural to ask Hellbutcher. He lives in the same town and he sings really good. It gives a great dimension to our music.
What bands today play with the same attitude and values as Necrocurse? Any bands that you like?!
Of course we like bands like Nifelheim and Rapid Terrör hahahha. There are many bad bands but also many good ones. Hard to burp up a lot right now.
Who writes the lyrics? Do Martin and Stefan write the music? Did they write the music for "Rotten in the Dark" or Coffin Breakers"? In the studio, did both guitar players record, or only one guitar player recorded all the guitar parts?
Nicklas “Terror” writes most of the lyrics but also some with inputs from Hellbutcher. Terror, Hellbutcher and Basstard write the basics of music, then the whole band work together with final arrangements and details. Guitars, they each play their rhythm guitar on every song. Stefan "Rotting Vomitor" plays most of the solos.
What else about Necrocurse?! When will you play in Seattle?!
Thanks for interview and support!! check www.necrocurse.com for the latest news, merchandise and so on! Don’t know if and when we will show up in Seattle... Stay hard! Death Metal Rebels!!!
Mvh / Best regards. Nicklas Rudolfsson
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