Ritos (Brazil)
Raw black metal is Ritos’ medium to chronicle the “Pagan Tales” of indigenous-themed songs. Relatos Pagãos carries raw black metal into concepts of history about Brazil and its historically ignored indigenous cultures.
Of course, Ritos is classic-black-metal influenced: blasting, speedy drumming; THAT guitar tone; and those vocals, it’s all here. It won’t take but a moment of their music to hear that. However, there is another side to Ritos, which is what bassist Incredulous and her cohorts in Ritos explicate here.
Hello! What’s the latest with Ritos from Aracaju, Brazil?!
Hello, Mauricio! We would like to thank for the opportunity to participate in this edition! We are currently working on spreading the demo Relatos Pagãos and the compilation Manifesto Negro - A Arte do Black Metal, where we are participating with more than seven Brazilian bands.
Is Aracaju a big city? Is there a good scene? What kind of jobs do you have? Tell us about Aracaju.
Aracaju is the capital of Sergipe, the smallest state in northeastern Brazil. It is a small city, compared to the other from Brazil, but as the city with better quality of life in the region. The metal scene is small here. We have a few shows, few bands, especially in business, few spaces for events open to metal concerts. Currently, we are all just students.
We're not doing shows for a while. Currently we have few spaces for concerts and this is one reason for the shortage of concerts here. Aeternus Actus Ater Corpus [drums] is a member of the [black metal band] Litany Ater. Into Black Metal, we can cite Ad Aeternum, Imperious Symphonic Noise, Mahanvhantara, among others.
Incredulous, tell us about yourself!
I play bass for nearly two years and had a greater identification with the instrument when I attended a black metal project called “Desdenha do Norte”. I appreciate the weight and fill the bottom gives the music. I joined Ritos in 2009. For nearly six years I hear metal and think one of the first bands that I enjoyed was Obituary.
Who writes the lyrics for Ritos? Did the same person write the lyrics for the songs “Yará” and “Guariní Caá”?
We work together through the music at home and then move into the studio. It is a very good experience! I very much appreciate the sound and the lyrics reflect the feeling of everyone in the band: exalt the pride of our ancestors.
Yeah, who wrote the lyrics of the demo "Relatos Pagãos" was Guarini Una [guitar], but Aeternus Actus Ater Corpus also had involvement of the composition. He also participated in the final review of the letters, along with Incredulus.
Aeternus Actus Ater Corpus, what is your view on your music?
I like to hear many things like heavy metal, black, thrash, death, a bit of doom, punk, grind, crossover and love blastbeats, but Ritos I seek other influences such as Indian music, African-Brazilian and folk to put them in my compositions that, going forward, mingle more and more extreme metal with these other types of music. Guarini Una generally brings the melodies. Sometimes I give a suggestion and then I imagine the battery and when we go to the studio put the ideas into practice.
Guarini Una, have you taken guitar lessons?
Initially I had guitar lessons, but just enough for some chords and gradually I discovered metal. I was at home studying the riffs and melodies of metal, but I intend to return to study at a music school to diversify my work.
Guarini Una, did you form this band? Are you and Aeternus Actus Ater Corpus friends from school?
Yes, I was the founder of the band, along with Aeternus Actus Ater Corpus and former vocalist Chaos Verin. Although Aeternus Actus Ater Corpus and I studying at the same school, we are not just friends, we are brothers. I do not have a band in particular that made me play Black Metal, but the fact that the strand of metal which had greater identification.
Are you history students? Do you speak any indigenous languages? Why are the lyrics not available with the cd?
We do not make school history, but we all like a lot of history and we are always researching various topics, especially those addressed in Ritos. We don’t speak indigenous languages, but tried to learn more those dialects, because the letters have small parts in Tupi [indigenous language]. The lyrics are not available on CD for financial reasons, because it would increase the cost of reproduction of copies, but all are available on the internet.
Where is the forest that you have pictured on the album?
On the cover we used an image of the Amazon forest; in the background we also believe it is the same forest, but we can’t say for sure. The only certainty is that it is Brazilian.
In school, do Brazilian students learn English and Spanish?
Yes, English and Spanish are taught in Brazilian schools, along with the other disciplines. We have knowledge of languages, but very little. We know the basic things to deal with the day-to-day. If the Brazilians want to deepen the knowledge in these languages, we need to look for specific courses.
What are your future plans for Ritos in 2010 and 2011?
We will continue to release the demo Relatos Pagãos. We are making new music and lyrics for the next material that will be more focused (sonically and lyrically), in Brazilian cultural roots. The material has no release date. THE END.