Friday, December 13, 2019

Toxic Reign (Tacoma)

This is a Toxic Reign announcement:
It's finally time to announce this bad boy. The first full-length Toxic Reign album "The Nuclear Waste Disposal"! Here's the artwork done by Tyler Mcp. It's inspired by a drawing that Ian made for Lance a few years back and Tyler did an awesome job re-imagining it and throwing on the Toxic Reaper (who I guess is our mascot now????).
ANYWAY! It was recorded, mixed, and mastered by Cody J. Brumlow who was insanely badass to finally get to work with! Here's the track list!
1. Purple Slurm
2. Total Thrashing Death
3. Nuclear Assault
4. Savage Beating
5. Toxic Reign
6. The Iceman Dyeth
7. Fight
8. Fuk'd Wealth
9. Ultra Pit Intro
10. The Ultra Pit
11. The Nuclear Waste Disposal
We are insanely hyped to have this album ready to be released soon! (Digital for now until we can figure out getting CD's printed) Going to throw it up on Bandcamp tonight with one song available right now, which should it be? We were thinking The Ultra Pit, but let us know which you want to hear first!

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