Saturday, September 12, 2020

Vox Mortis (Indonesia): ultra brutal death metal in defense of animal welfare, especially for the protection of dogs and cats

On September 9th, 2020 the death metal entity Vox Mortis (Indonesia) released two songs: "Primata Durjana" and "Forever No to Dog Meat." Vox Mortis is a new band by members from other bands in the scene in their country. The music is blasting-brutal death metal that calls for the formation of giant mosh pits (or a small one in your room while you are doing your homework) with a thick guitar sound and low, gruff, strong growling that seeks to make you join in the growling, even though you might not know the words to the songs.
The band says that one of the lyrical purposes is to raise awareness about the rights of animals. As already stated, "Forever No to Dog Meat" is the title of one song and it's clear what they are talking about. As we know, for some people, dogs are seen as food and the treatment of dogs is substantially worse in those circumstances, and the ethics of this topic is very important for this band.
ABOUT: Vox Mortis dibentuk oleh musisi dari beragam latar disiplin yang memiliki urgensi dalam menyuarakan isu kesejahteraan hewan domestik di bawah panji death metal.
Vox Mortis are:
Doni Herdaru Tona (Funeral Inception) - Voc
Donirro (Last Blood) - Bass
Achmad Mustaid (Vomitology) - Drums
Indonesian band Vox Mortis mark their presence in the extreme music scene by unleashing first two songs, “Primata Durjana” and “Forever No To Dog Meat”. Both are released on various digital platforms such as Joox, iTunes, Deezer, Spotify and Bandcamp on Sep, 9th 2020.
Vox Mortis formed by multidisciplinary musicians such as Doni Herdaru Tona (Funeral Inception), Achmad Mustaid (Vomitology) and Donirro (Last Blood) to raise awareness about animal welfare under the banner of death metal. The band takes music as their medium for propaganda as it works universally.
“We focus on the least protected domestic animals: cats and dogs. Some people would agree if battle is not only about war, but also through diplomacy. Meanwhile we’re ready to shed our blood, diplomacy is also important. Vox Mortis tries to embody the two sides of it,” said Doni who is also the founder of Animal Defenders Indonesia.
Vox Mortis delivers a typical style of death metal with a progressive chord twist, intense blastbeat, and raging growl vocals. They packed up a song with irony and sang it full of wrath. The composition was made to blend with some effects to create an epic atmosphere.
The band intensively produced their material and recording since Covid-19 pandemic started to spread to the whole country. This session took place at Rsharsh Leonard’s Tonebetter Soundlab.
Vox Mortis planned to release their debut album in the near future. They commit to keep agitation and propaganda for animal welfare as long as it’s needed.
Google translate: Band Indonesia Vox Mortis menandai kehadiran mereka di kancah musik ekstrim dengan merilis dua lagu pertama, “Primata Durjana” dan “Forever No To Dog Meat”. Keduanya dirilis di berbagai platform digital seperti Joox, iTunes, Deezer, Spotify, dan Bandcamp pada 9 Sep 2020.
Vox Mortis dibentuk oleh musisi multidisiplin seperti Doni Herdaru Tona (Funeral Inception), Achmad Mustaid (Vomitology) dan Donirro (Last Blood) untuk meningkatkan kesadaran tentang kesejahteraan hewan di bawah bendera death metal. Band ini mengambil musik sebagai media propaganda karena bekerja secara universal.
“Kami fokus pada hewan peliharaan yang paling tidak dilindungi: kucing dan anjing. Beberapa orang akan setuju jika pertempuran tidak hanya tentang perang, tetapi juga melalui diplomasi. Sementara kita siap menumpahkan darah, diplomasi juga penting. Vox Mortis mencoba mewujudkan kedua sisi itu, ”ujar Doni yang juga merupakan pendiri Animal Defenders Indonesia.
Vox Mortis menghadirkan gaya khas death metal dengan sentuhan akord progresif, blastbeat intens, dan vokal growl yang mengamuk. Mereka mengemas sebuah lagu dengan ironi dan menyanyikannya dengan penuh amarah. Komposisinya dibuat untuk menyatu dengan beberapa efek untuk menciptakan suasana epik.
Band ini gencar memproduksi materi dan rekaman sejak pandemi Covid-19 mulai menyebar ke seluruh negeri. Sesi ini berlangsung di Tonebetter Soundlab milik Rsharsh Leonard.
Vox Mortis berencana merilis album debut mereka dalam waktu dekat. Mereka berkomitmen untuk menjaga agitasi dan propaganda untuk kesejahteraan hewan selama dibutuhkan.
Promo Single by Vox Mortis
Listen from other platforms:

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