Friday, September 9, 2022

Thy Fallen Kingdom - thrash in Singapore

In 2022 the thrash returns in the form of No Remains, an EP by Thy Fallen Kingdom (Singapore). It looks like things were not good for them for some years, given that there was studio silence since 2014's album Fear the Hunter. Could this EP be the sign of a new album on the way in 2023?
According to Metal Archives, the band began in 2002. In the past they have done a couple of EPs and a demo.
Anyway, the new music, which includes a Testament cover, is recommended for thrash fanatics that want to bang their heads. The recording is only three songs, but things are sounding pretty good and on track with their professed devotion to the genre.
No Remains by Thy Fallen Kingdom
Fear The Hunter by Thy Fallen Kingdom