Thursday, September 15, 2022

Epoch of Unlight - At War with the Multiverse

The U.S. traditional extreme metal act Epoch of Unlight began a long time ago, decades ago, actually, in 1990, under a different name. With this band you never know when the next album will be out because they like to take their sweet time doing things, which is expected, especially as metal musicians get older and get jobs and start families. Anyway, their new album is here this weekend, and it's sounding good. It's ten songs in 43 minutes. They have three songs going on Bandcamp now and it's a good sign of what to expect. I have been listening to the entire album and it's entertaining. They work with the parameters of thrash, death and black metal, and do use melody. Their experience shows in the songwriting because it has the extreme elements but it's not difficult to understand where the songs are going.
Epoch of Unlight
At War With The Multiverse
Dark Horizon Records
16 September 2022
At War With the Multiverse by Epoch of Unlight