Thursday, March 27, 2014

the slo-mo super duper heavy duty slug of doom black metal: Lamentations of the Ashen

the slo-mo super duper heavy duty slug of doom black metal: Lamentations of the Ashen
I don't know about what's going on in your world, but over here at the International Headquarters of Metal Bulletin Zine (grandma's basement), there sure is a lot of doom happening.
Here's another example of what's happening between doom and black metal; sometimes it's more doom-ish and sometimes it's more black metal-ish. Lamentations of the Ashen is cave-recorded doom black, so it's doom, yes, but it sounds ugly, like ugly-face angry-gremlin-living-alone-in-the-mountain doom ugly.
Wouldn't you know it, it's a one-person project. That's dedication.

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