Exile (Jordan)
With their four-song recording called Dead Thrashers Rising the band Exile are furthering their metal campaign in the Middle East. As Nader (vocals/guitars) describes here, it takes dedication to walk this path in particular.
“Ignorant Is What You Are” is a very bang-bang total thrashing number: it’s all about putting the right energy to work. Next, “Dead Thrashers Rising” speeds up a bit, sounding mean, with more intense drumming. This song goes for power. Wait, “Killing Storm” is another scorcher! Guitar solo, energetic drumming, catchy, and just what the doctor of moshing orders. Next, “Living Hell” is the last one: also an uptempo, street-metal energy number.
The sound quality on here is certainly adequate for this style of music. Now thrashers, hear this band; they are doing their best to win people over. Who argue with that?!
Hello! How long have you existed as a band?!
Hi, first of all we'd like to thank you for this interview and for your hard work :)
We, Exile formed back in 2008 when I (Nader) and Hassan started to think about playing thrash covers, but we never did that hehehe because I already had a couple of songs ready to be played as a band so we met Tayyem (the drummer ) and the band was formed :)
As for the recording, we recorded half of the songs in Tayyem's basement and the other half in his balcony, and we have a friend who knows about sound editing and stuff, so he recorded the songs, his name is Ala'a Hamdan (Symphoqueen Productions). It was hard because we used simple equipment; however, we gained a lot of experience and we hope to make a better quality in the next album that we are working on.
How did “Ignorant Is What You Are” originate?
Well, I used to watch T.V., and I realized that everything is a lie from the news to the cartoons hehe, really!!!! And what inspired me the most were the news and the silly American series and shows that flow on your screen at home everyday (I prefer not to mention names).
Is “Dead Thrashers Rising” your metal declaration? What of “Killing Storm” and “Living Hell”!!
Heheheh.... actually it’s a funny story, you know when you live in a normal society you will see many different personalities, but here in Jordan, 99% of the society are the same... uffff. So when I was at class in college, I can’t remember what happened exactly, but what I remember that I was mad at the idea that I am kinda strange among my classmates and they were looking at me like I was a barbarian or a caveman. So I started to write the lyrics hehehehehehehe, and no.... I don’t see metal like that, metal music is something that I can’t describe, it gives you strength, and makes you think about what's going on around you, in short words, it makes you free :)
“Killing Storm,” it’s about a part of the war in Gaza (Palestine), when Israeli Army attacked Gaza with phosphorus bombs which are internationally illegal.
“About Living Hell.” It's about pollution in general in the whole world and how we get out of control because of the massive destructive industries and how it ruined our lives and the generations after.
How long has Tayyem been drumming? And Hassan, bass? Does Nader write the songs with Tayyem and Hassan?
Tayyem has been playing drums for 5 years now. He is a skillful drummer, and he's doing very well in the band. Hassan has been playing bass for three years now, but he left the band due to his work in Kuwait, and we found a good replacement (Ibrahim) who fits the band greatly. Well, mainly I write and make the riffs, but when we are in the rehearsal room we compose the songs together as a band. Everyone has his own influences and his own touch, and we all know that Exile's songs have to be fast, aggressive and thrash :)
Are all your lyrics in English. Will you ever have lyrics in Arabic?
Yes, of course they are all in English, because metal music is a global culture, and we want our songs to be heard and spread, and I don’t think we will make a song in Arabic, I never thought about that, but I don’t think so.
How is the metal scene in Amman and in Jordan in general?
I feel sad when someone asks me this question, the metal scene is FUCKED UP in Jordan, there is no live shows because it is prohibited by the government, they still think that metal music is a devilish, outer and weird music. So we rarely play live shows (once a year if we were lucky!!), as for Exile, we have never played a gig in Jordan!!
What are some other metal bands in Amman and Jordan?
As I mentioned above there are no shows :- ( ; and here in Jordan there are bands, most of them they call themselves bands, but actually they are not, and a few bands are really good such as Dragonrider (heavy/power) and Tyrant Throne (death metal).
What do your parents think of your music?
Well, they don’t consider it music they think it’s all about screaming and devil worshiping because we live in a reserved closed (in his own way) society that have their own culture and traditions, they don't accept anything bizarre.
Were there metal bands in the 1990s in Jordan? in the 1980s?
There were a band called Mega Power in the 80's and Virgin Killer and X in the 90's.
What are your goals for the long term?
Yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa we will not stop!! We will keep thrashing your asses out, fast speed aggressive old school riffs songs will never die! Back to sanity hehehehe, well I hope that we will continue. In fact, we are working on a full-length album, contains 9 tracks, 4 songs are all ready done and five left :). We don’t know what the future holds. All I can say that we will stay true and metal;
and we'd like to thank you again for this interview and your interest, and we thank all our fans and who support us. Cheers and beers.
Exile THE END.