Friday, January 17, 2025

Master Sword - living it up this weekend with some Legend of Zelda-inspired power metal

Master Sword
Toying with Time
January 17th, 2025
This is it! It is the weekend of Master Sword! I know that the U.S.-American tackle-foot-ball playoffs are taking place this weekend and I'm sure that the sports games will be a real extravaganza for all the United-States-Americans. The Americans love their tackle-fuß-ball! This is why all Americans are heroes, such a love for sports and the joyous good time of party-fiesta times. And why not! Roll out the good times. I am not sure if the tackle-fuß-ball team of Seattle, the Sea-Hawkings, is a participant in the tournament, but either way more pizza, more tacos and more libations, this week I shall learn the intricaties of the tournament because a man name Troy Aikman explains everything in a clear, robotic voice. Ok, however, also, also, hey now!
Master Sword has now delivered their new album: eight songs in 55 minutes. The band especializes in melodic songwriting featuring singing, sometimes they lean more on their prog side and at other times they go more towards the rocking energy. An interesting piece of trivia for people new to the band: The band began inspired by the video game Legend of Zelda! Do you have to be a gamer to enjoy the music? Is it necessary to know about the video game? Not at all! Look at me, I know nothing about that video game. I know nothing about any video games! I am too busy fighting the squirrels in my backyard. I am enjoying the new music. The catchy songs and singing is plenty for me to sail on a quest to the enchantment of the songs. It is prog in some ways, but not too prog that it is not fun to listen to. It's not crazy-prog, you know? It has good melodies and the band knows how to keep things reasonable for all audiences supporting of melodic metal, especially the more traditional forms, from classic rock to heavy metal and melodic prog metal.
I hope that by the end of this weekend, after the friendly robot-man Troy Aikman educates the United States of America about the rules of tackle-fuß-ball, I will also be fully immersed in the Americanness and Americanity of the prog power metal and melodies of Master Sword. Master Sword. Remember that name, write it down on your typewriter, and get on that telegraph, and get yourself some of this music. You may be surprised by the quality, skill and style of this band. I know that I was!
Come and get it.
Toying With Time by Master Sword

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