Saturday, September 7, 2024

Blighted Eye - Washington State prog extreme band streaming three songs from upcoming album

The Washington State, U.S. prog extreme band Blighted Eye is already streaming three songs from the upcoming album Agony's Bespoke, scheduled to be released on the 20th of September, 2024. Metal Archives shows that they began in 2019 and in 2020 released an EP. The album will be eight full songs, ranging from about six minutes to some eight minutes or more, and one track goes over the 11-minute mark. Fans of Opeth and Dark Tranquillity may want to hear this particular sound, as the music embraces those influences. Of course, keep in mind that this album will be the band's debut full-length. It is, by any stretch of the imagination, an album has been put together very well and with a professional sound quality. In that sense, the level of the album is tremendous. I do not have access to the lyrics, so I am unable to say as to how intelligent or skilled the lyrics are. I hope that a song like "A Feast for Worms" is not as moronic as a band like Cannibal Corpse or Deicide, although the album artwork does seem to be a brutal album cover fulfilling all the stereotypes of metal music as being music for imbeciles with a penchant for celebrating violence, murder and torture. Fortunately, the music does not sound like a typical brutal band. Despite these reservations, fans of prog extreme metal should give the band a chance because the musicianship is top notch. They sound way better than a song title like "A Feast for Worms" and that awful artwork would suggest.

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