Tuesday, December 20, 2022

Frostnatt (Russia) - instrumental melodic black metal

Dette stedet kjenner bare kulden
November 25th, 2022
Alex Evenson recently contacted me to tell me about his instrumental melodic black metal project Frostnatt (Russia). Metal Archives shows 2019 as the starting year. According to the information on said site, there were two EPs in 2019, another two EPs in 2020, an album in 2021 and now in 2022 there is this newest EP of five songs in about 28 minutes. I have been listening to it as an entire recording, which is very pleasing to the ear, so much in fact that my child came into my office while this recording was playing and was quickly humming along to the guitar melodies. Of course, without the extreme metal shouting, the music takes on another life of its own. Certain listeners hear black metal, but it is just as likely that other people hear uptempo, melodic, pleasing guitar music. Whether a fast segment, a slower part or a sequence of blasting speed, the overall melodic feel of the songwriting takes over the listening experience and it is those melodies that catch the listener’s attention. Given that there are no vocals, the melodies have to be at the center and have to be good in order for this project to work. I have been pleasantly surprised at how well the songwriting and the melodies are communicated to the listener.
Dette Stedet Kjenner Bare Kulden by Frostnatt

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