Tuesday, September 22, 2020

H.M.P. (Washington state, U.S.A.)

Metal Archives shows: Heavy Metal Poetry Full-length 2007; All Hands on Deck EP 2007; The Undead Hour EP 2008. Reviewers at Metal Archives have said about the 2007 album: "Ultimately, the band's biggest flaw seems to be its sometimes inconsistent songwriting. A few of the more direct numbers like "Survival of the Fittest" don't quite catch fire and the more experimental tracks aren't as good played out as they are on paper. "...Until It's Gone" ultimately suffers from out of place vocals and sounds a lot like "Fade to Black" without the thrash ending. "The End of an Age" also has a habit of losing its direction at times and seems like a rather big undertaking for an unexperienced band. On the bright side, the "Symphony of Destruction" reference that pops up in the middle of the title track is pretty amusing..."
Another person wrote: "However, that doesn't mean that it isn't good at all, although it isn't exactly exceptional either. H.M.P.'s music would be much more enjoyable, for me, if it were to be played live, at an average sized bar with a few other metalheads wearing Manowar shirts after two or three pints. It's that sort of metal, it's metal that's more about being metal than anything else. The music is choppy and epic with melodic breaks and features lots of solos and the lyrics are valiant, either fantasy-laced or metal-based. It's 'have a good headbang after a hard days work with some friends and some people you'll never see again music'. I just feel it's a little too middle-of-the-road to enjoy listening to on CD on a regular basis."
Hounds of Hell

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