Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What is "Romantic Black Metal"? It's Alexander Paul Blake

Alexander Paul Blake (Germany): Die Rückkehr ins goldene Zeitalter (Einheit Produktionen)
OK, look it, this is on Einheit Produktionen, so that means it is going to be a quality release, basically.
This particular album sounds like black metal for novelists, poets and maybe those metallers who want something with some sophistication.
Were we wondering just what is 'Romantic Black Metal'? Well, with Alexander Paul Blake's music and its ambitious focus on folk, prog and black metal, we have our answer right here. For the metallers that like music that is an adventure, this album will be a pleasure for sure. It’s for banging your head, or for having a cup of wine and sitting by the fireplace, or both.
Part black metal, part moody/atmospheric, it has lots of moments of totally black metal speed, but just as importantly, it has mellow moments of acoustic guitar.
The album is more than an hour of music, so listen with a patient and open mind. This will take time to understand.
Those who suffer from that disease that their metal can be only instant and easy to understand, will most likely want to avoid. But fear not, Cannibal Corpse, Six Feet Under and Overkill have new music out…or maybe you like Cannibal Corpse and Alexander Paul Blake! Why not? Who made up rules about this, anyway?

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